World’s first onboard CCS installation for Evergreen has been certified by ClassNK
‘EVER TOP’ is a container vessel owned by Evergreen and the vessel was recently granted a ‘SCCS-Full’ class notation. This notation was granted by ClassNK and it means that this vessel is now the world’s first Neopanamax vessel to have an onboard carbon capture system retrofitted.
The innovative CCS system was designed and developed by Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute and the system was installed at Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd. (HRRD). Throughout this installation process, ClassNK reviewed the system components and installation plan, ensuring both of these aligned with its comprehensive ‘Guidelines for Shipboard Co2 Capture and Storage Systems.’
Hazard Identification (HAZID) performed the risk assessment on the project during the onsite installation process and once the confirmation of compliance with the relevant requirements was confirmed, the vessel received its first ‘SCCS-Full’ notation.
Corporate Officer / Director of Plan Approval and Technical Solution Division, ClassNK, Masaki Matsunaga, said, “As the crucial action of first movers, ClassNK deeply respects the ambitious and practical application of CCS systems taken by EVERGREEN and involved parties to advance GHG abatement technology implementation. It is our great honor to be a part of this outstanding collaboration, and we are committed to supporting proactive initiatives toward decarbonization by providing appropriate standards, surveys, and certifications.”