Cool Planet Technologies and NeoCarbon will collaborate to combine point source capture and DAC
A plan has been developed between Cool Planet Technologies and NeoCarbon, in which the two companies will focus on jointly developing a project that will aid carbon capture. This joint venture will innovatively utilise both companies advanced technologies, in order to optimise carbon dioxide capture.
This project has come about recently due to the developments that each company has made. CPT has developed an advanced membrane-based point source carbon capture technology and NeoCarbon has created a Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology. CPT’s new development is completely electric and it functions without the need for waste heat or chemicals, plus it is highly efficient and cost competitive. NeoCarbon’s DAC technology functions through the use of waste heat from industrial processes, as this provides a significant part of the power that the technology requires for its air capture plant. Another reason why the technology uses the waste heat is because it is more energy efficient in comparison to stand-alone Direct Air Capture plants.
The overall aim of this collaboration is to be able to develop projects in which CPT technology captures the carbon from the point source, whilst simultaneously NeoCarbon’s technology harnesses the waste heat that is produced from the carbon capture processes, in order to capture Co2 from ambient air. This collaboration will result in a world’s first in combining point source membrane-based capture technology and Direct Air Capture technology.
Due to the significance of this collaboration, the companies have agreed to provide future updates as the number of projects grows and progresses.
Managing Director of CPT, Andrew Corner, said, “This unique and synergistic combination of the two leading capture technologies will combine the point source capturing and the Direct Air Capture domains, thereby taking carbon capture to a new level in terms of energy efficiency and efficient resource management.”
CEO of NeoCarbon, René Haas, commented, “Reducing CO2 emissions with point-source capture technology and removing CO2 from the atmosphere with Direct Air Capture technology are both highly needed to tackle the climate crisis. By collaborating with Cool Planet Technologies, we have the unique opportunity to combine these technologies on the same industrial site, with the potential to turn the whole site to an actual carbon sink, a very compelling perspective. In addition, by leveraging the same downstream CO2 pipelines and storage, we significantly reduce the need to build new infrastructure for Direct Air Capture, which fits very well with our retrofit approach to leverage what is already in place instead of building from scratch. Therefore, I'm very excited to deploy our DAC technology next to CPT's technology to reach large-scale carbon capture.”